Ling Guo, M.D., Prof., Director. P.I. awarded grants: total 10. Key grants: (1) National Natural Science Foundation of China, 340000RMB, No. 81760228. (2)Kunming Institute of Research on Neurodegenerative diseases. 300000RMB, No.2020-SW-30. (3) Yunnan Scientific Technology Plan for Talent and Platform “Yunnan Station of He Zhendan Academician,” Rank#2, 3600000RMB No.202305AF150139. Training and Career: (1) Physician, Dept. of Internal Medicine, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical Univ. 1983.2.-1993.8. (2) Associate Professor, Internal Medicine, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, Yunnan, China. (3) Postdoctoral fellow to Senior Research Associate 1998.2.-2011.12.31. Dept. Of Cell & Molecular Biology-- Neurology &Alzheimer’s Center, Medical sch. Northwestern Univ., USA. Projects: (1) Study on Neuroinflammatory Mechanisms of Alzheimer’s disease. (2) Drug discovery. Publications: 55. Patent: 3 @rank#1.